If you’re an existing landlord, you’ll be aware that you are required to be registered, which requires an application fee.
The registration scheme aims to provide a register of all landlords for public inspection, assist in discussions between local government and landlords as well as ensure that all private landlords are ‘fit and proper; to let properties.
Failing to be on the landlord register, whether as a letting agent, private landlord or joint owner of a property you manage is a criminal offence and can result in fines.
These registration fees change over time, which can make it tricky to stay up-to-date, but don’t worry, this where Pure Property Management can help keep you informed.
Broken down in a principal fee and a property fee, these are current registration fees for landlords in Scotland as of 2020:
Application with a single local council/authority = £66
Two or more applications with different local authorities = £33 (per local council/authority)
Property cost for each property rented out by the landlord = £15
There are exemptions and discounts for the fee, which are automatically applied in the registration process, which include:
- House of Multiple Occupancy (HMO) licenced properties require no fee
- Scottish registered charities require no fee
- Only the lead owner has to pay the principal fee; all other joint owners can apply for free
- Online applications receive a 50% discount to the principal fee, reducing it to £33 per local authority
Your registration expires after three years and must be renewed if you want to continue as a landlord, failure to do so will result in a late fee of £132.
You can find more details, update and renew your registration online on the Scottish Government website.